Inside the O'Briens. Inside HD.

I just finished the book Inside the O'briens by Lisa Genova. Overall, the book was phenomenal. However, it has left me with a heavy heart for all of those that suffer from the monster that is Huntington's Disease. There were times when I caught myself thinking "This is the absolute worst disease," as I put my book down for the night. I felt compelled to share this story with my friends and family to both voice my enjoyment for the book, and voice awareness of this terrible disease. Genova does a wonderful job of incorporating powerful characters into an addicting storyline about a family thats life was suddenly turned upside down by HD. There were times when I laughed and there were times when I cried. Even though this book is not based on a true story, my heart breaks for the O'Brien family. As an occupational therapy student, I know I will at least witness an HD intervention. For me, it is hard to think that I can not provide...