
Showing posts from January, 2018

Help from Horses

A small miracle has come out of the Temple Grandin Equine Center through the act of occupational therapy.  Colorado State University graduate Caiti McDaniel is assisting research over a ten-week period on the effects of equine therapy on autistic children.  These 45 minute sessions incorporate activities that would be carried out in any outpatient rehabilitation center for occupational therapy.  Before, jumping in the saddle, McDaniel began by getting to know the clients individually in order to provide them with the best and most appropriate client-centered intervention with daily goals she set for each client.  Every child started out at a different level of readiness.  However, they all eventually transitioned to joyful interactions on the horse leading to successful therapy sessions.  Once on the horse, therapists would ask the client to carry out simple tasks such as raising their arms or placing rings around an orange cone.  Tasks that were carried out successfully would be rewar